Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Growing Boy

Just look at that sweet face. Grayson loves his meal times! He's pretty much eating anything that we eat now, which makes it so much easier --no more smashing up veggies to "just the right consistency"--this was one picky eater! He loves signing "all done" and "more". We are currently working on "please" instead of the whine that comes along with wanting down.

Grayson is enjoying all of his new toys from Christmas and will happily play for long periods of time. It's so funny to watch him pushing cars around and making the "vrrooom" sound--like all little boys naturally do-amazing!

Mimi and Papa came for a short visit this past weekend. They had fun playing together and Grayson proudly showed off his new tricks. He loves any kind of music and he claps his hands to the beat.
He hasn't really said any words yet, but we're pretty sure we heard his first attempt at "mama" as he was crawling towards me wanting to be picked up. We are really enjoying this sweet little stage and trying to enjoy every moment as we know it will quickly pass.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

That is so sweet. It gives me hope that Greer will say Mom first!! :) He is getting SO BIG...almost 1 year!!! I am coming soon!! Sorry I missed your call..i'll call you back!