Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Our Little Lamb

I was very slack about a Halloween costume this year and had to come up with a "homemade" idea at the last minute! So, Grayson was a lamb--and I thought he was precious! He refused to wear the ears, so some people thought he was a cloud! Oh well..

I had to put this white shirt on him to protect the cotton balls until we got to church. He looked like a puffy marshmallow!

Trick or treat!! We made one stop to a sweet neighbor's house on our way to our church celebration. Grayson tasted candy for the first time--sweet tarts!! It's all he wanted for the rest of the night!

Chad was so excited to carve a pumpkin with Grayson. So Grayson watched sweetly while daddy carved away.


Adam, Bentley and Ella Carr said...

you did good with the costume. Grayson is such a little man!

Leslie said...

Very impress with your last minute creativity!! He is a handsome little lamb!

Leslie said...

should have been "impressed"

Unknown said...

That's a great sheep costume, which of course reminds me of the We Like Sheep play we were in as kids.

kenzie said...

awesome pumpkin!

Brian and I laughed so hard when you said people thought he was a cloud! clouds are cool! ;)