Thursday, June 7, 2012

Summer Update

We have been pretty busy since the summer months are here.  

the KIDDOS spent a few days with Mimi and Papa
so...Chad and I patched, sanded, primed, and painted our new exterior windowsills.  Fun, right?  Well, we thought it was!   It was so nice to be on our own schedule for a few days and actually feel productive!  

I got to spend some time with  two of my sweet college friends--while I was KID-FREE!! 
 it was refreshing.

we enjoyed our Summer Neighborhood Picnic

I hosted a dinner for my neighborhood women friends-I LOVE these girls and feel so blessed to have them so close-by!

We went for a Family Bike Ride
the kids were troopers while daddy took us all around town...

Grayson got a new "watergon" at a friend's birthday party--it has been a great source of entertainment over the past few days...

 Caroline is a busy little bee and absolutely LOVES being outside..

 grayson finally learned to pedal ALL BY HIMSELF and now actually enjoys his tricycle (however, the bike we bought him for his birthday, still sits untouched and he will probably be too big for it by the time he shows any interest in it)

 Caroline's obsession with shoes continues to grow---DON'T mess with the girl's shoes!

This past week Grayson has been sick so we have been quarantined to the house (with the exception of multiple walks a day and playtime outside).
We're hoping Grayson feels better soon because I miss seeing people!

1 comment:

kenzie said...

yea, we missed you at the pool! hope grayson feels better!