Wednesday, May 2, 2012


 Isn't she lovely?  This is how she looks after eating spaghetti.  This must be a 2nd child thing, because I never would have allowed Grayson to get this messy while eating!
 Caroline still loves driving the car.
Grayson is improving his drawing skills.  I was impressed when he showed me the "man" that he drew on his own.
 This past weekend we celebrated my 31st birthday!  It was very relaxing as I didn't have to cook any meals and Chad cleaned the house for me!  I actually took a nap in our hammock!  It was so nice!
 And my neighbor brought these beautiful hydrangeas over yesterday.  
They make me smile!

1 comment:

Home Team said...

Mollie!! I totally agree with you on the second child messy eating thing. I thought it may be a boy/girl thing for me, but Will gets SO messy when he eats and I just don't care! :)