We went to Cade's Cove twice while we were gone. The weather was perfect and it was beautiful!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Fall Update
We went to Cade's Cove twice while we were gone. The weather was perfect and it was beautiful!!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Summer Road Trip and Back to Reality
So...we traveled the next day to Sedona, Arizona --stopping along the way at Lake Mead and Hoover Dam.We camped in Oak Creek Canyon-one of America's top 5 most beautiful scenic views--enough said!!
Day 3 we traveled to Flagstaff and then to the Grand Canyon. We were amazed by the Grand Canyon and loved camping at the national park.
Friday, July 6, 2007
It's July Already?!!??
She is now Mrs. Leslie Johnson!! To see more pics, click here:
Chad and I got to stay with Lara and Benson at her parent's house, so that was so much fun catching up with them!!!
For more beach pics, click here:
Now, we're back home--back to reality. I'm finished teaching summer school, so I have the rest of July to relax and do some babysitting. Chad is back to work until the end of July. We'll be leaving July 24 for our vacation out west. We're super excited!! We'll be flying into Vegas and then driving to Sedona, Arizona, to the Grand Canyon, to Glen Canyon, to Bryce National Park, UT, to Zion National Park, UT, and then back to Vegas. It will be a very busy road trip---but I'm sure we'll enjoy every minute of it!! We're sad we can't take Dakota with us, though. I'll have to update you with pictures as soon as we get back. Let us know if any of you world travelers have some suggestions for "must-sees" while we're on our trip!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
"Leftovers" at Chick-Fil-A
So... we do all we can to rush and make it on the "first 100" list. Unfortunately, when we arrived at 12:15 (noon!!), I was number 105. I was with a friend, Johanna, who was 104. So... the deal is, they will take up to 115 and hope that people will break rules or drop out. You are not allowed to leave the grounds once signed in, so when they do role call (every few hours), you must be there or you're disqualified!!! The remaining 15 people on the day of the opening, are told they will be able to participate in a raffle where they give a way about 5 more 52 free meals. Hence the name "Leftovers"--that was the name of our group! So, we decided to take the risk and stay. Poor Chad....he was number 115---last but not least!!!
So we set up our tent and put on our dancing shoes for a full night of fun--for free!!! They had a christian band for a few hours, then a D.j. with games and dancing!!, then they showed a movie on a large screen. It's so much fun hanging out... but you have to be prepared for very little sleep. And that is exactly what happened!!! The little kids decided to stay up all night playing 4 square and running around making LOTs of noise--but, oh well, the price you pay!!
It was all worth it in the morning! We wake up, pack up our tents, and get in line for our final role call to see if anyone is missing and we might have a chance of being bumped up into the first 100 (sorry Chad--fat chance!!). Unfortunately, all were there, but FORTUNATELY.. they announced that "It is my pleasure to tell you that ALL of you here today will recieve the 52 meals!!!" Yayayayayaya!! No raffle!! No waiting around!!! It was all worth it--we were so relieved!! And sweet Chad brought up the rear and was given a large, stuffed Chick Fil A Cow--the only one given away that day!!! Dakota has a new playmate!! We had a great time and I would strongly encourage you to..... EAT MOR CHIKIN!!!!!!
Monday, June 4, 2007
first time for everything
To catch you up a little...
Chad and I are now happily settled in Marietta, Georgia. We bought a house in an older, historic area 2 years ago and it has kept us EXTREMELY busy!! However, we have learned more than we ever thought we would know (ex.how to install a new bathtub and toilet, plumbing, electric, tile, refinish floors, etc.) and Chad continues to amaze me in his ability to work so hard on something and not give up!! I usually end up being his sidekick and just handing him the tools he needs, but I think he does actually appreciate my input every now and then.
We have a church family in Woodstock, which we joined a year ago and we absolutely love the expository Bible teaching, intense studies of Biblical doctrine, and fellowship with others our age!!!! God has taught us so much and we are so thankful for ALL the blessings He has given to us!!
Chad is still working for an engineering firm as a landscape architect and seems to enjoy it most days. I am teaching Kindergarten at an elementary school in Smyrna. I absolutely love it--I am team teaching (yes-me, another teacher, and a parapro in one room!!!--unbelievable!!) and I have to say that teaming makes all the difference in the world!!! Our class is mostly Hispanic children and they are precious!
Last year, we got our first family dog!! She's a golden retriever named Dakota and she has been such a joy!!! She has kept us very active and we just love to laugh at how much personality she has. She's 80 lbs (1year!!) and spoiled rotten!!
So..back to the remodeling because I've had lots of requests for pictures. So far, we have refinished all the floors, totally gutted and remodeled the kitchen, painted all rooms, totally gutted and remodeled the guest bathroom, landscaped the front yard, built a fence for the back yard, and tiled a fireplace. Our next project is to put a new floor in our sunroom--hopefully this summer, and totally gut and remodel the master bathroom--hopefully this fall/winter. Then in the spring of next year, we will paint the outside of the house. I'll try my best to keep this updated!!